特教AAC-5A專業實踐行動研究 The Special Education Program of Smart Communication Professional Development Action Research

. . . . . Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

一、團隊目標 Team Goals

隨著科技的進步,讓越來越多無法用言語溝通的人,也就是複雜溝通需求 (complex communication needs, CCN) 者,因輔助溝通系統(augmentative and alternative communication, AAC)而受益改善生活品質。AAC主要是用來補償CCN者的溝通功能,其中涵蓋了符號、輔具、技術及策略。此外,CCN者除了無法用言語表達外,多伴隨認知、情緒行為、感官及肢體動作等多重問題,因此,對於符號的選擇顯得格外的重要。合宜的符號需要跨領域的合作,才能把對話內容清楚且明確的用圖像表達出來,使溝通無障礙。


(一)AAC: 運用AAC三部曲方式協助CCN者提高溝通效率。

(二)Art: 透過跨域合作整合,提升專業人員對溝通符號使用的精準度。

(三)AI: 以科技智慧協作問題導向之研究並解決身心障礙者生活問題。

(四)Action: 運用典範學習引導方式,強化專業團隊合作能力。

(五)Advocate: 透過行動研究,以實際解決問題方式倡議AAC之益處。

As technology advances, more and more individuals with complex communication needs (CCN) could be benefited from the technology. The missions of the department of special education are to train students to become equipped special education teachers and assistive technology professionals. The department already have many renowned facility members and advance teaching equipment, seamlessly integrating the curriculum of undergraduate and graduate students is of high priority. Especially, a capable researcher should be trained as early as possible in a collaboration way. Augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) which comprised of symbols, aids, techniques and strategies is mainly used to compensate the communication functions of individuals with CCN. The individuals with CCN not only have severe communication disorders, but they also often have problems with cognition, emotional, sensory and physical. Therefore, the selection of symbols is especially important. The design of symbols required cross-domain collaboration so that the individuals with CCN could comfortably use them in their daily activity and making communication more accessible for them. The main purposes of the project are as follows: (1) Use AAC-PVSM model to help people with CCN to improve their communication efficiency; (2) Enhance the precision of AAC professional use of communication symbols through cross-domain collaboration and integration; (3) Research on the issue of scientific and intelligent collaboration and solve the problem of people with disabilities; (4) Strengthen the professional teamwork ability by using the model guidance learning method; and (5) Initiatives to promote the benefits of AAC through action research.

二、招募學生條件 Desired Disciplines & Prior Knowledge of Student Participants


Students must study in the department for more than one semester, and his/her academic achievement during the period of study is on average raking within one-fifth of the class. In addition, the students’ research and further development potential is recommended by two mentors.

三、團隊學生需選修其他延伸課程 Other support courses or knowledge


四、團隊指導教師群 Team Leaders & Members

花師教育學院 特殊教育學系  楊熾康 副教授

藝術學院 藝術與設計學系  林永利 教授

五、團隊相關連結(網頁、粉絲頁、等) Other Information

特教AAC-5A 團隊網站連結

六、聯絡窗口 :

吳賀安同學 410686039@gms.ndhu.edu.tw