Scret of VIP

Why VIP Program?  

        The Micro Program of Vertically Integrated Projects is in Committee for General Education. The program has undergraduate students to participate in scholarship and exploration through the real project. The purpose of VIP program is to build multidisciplinary curriculums and provide the opportunity for students to join the research and study in different disciplinary as soon as possible.

Who can take VIP Courses?

         Sophomore join the team and take course (I) to (VI) each semester for 3 year and total 10 credits in general education. Only team members can take the Vertically Integrated Project course opened by team professor.

What is the benefit of VIP Program?

        Students have the chance to learn and practice skills in a real project, experience different tasks on multidisciplinary team, and make contributions to the team. The program is trying to nurture student who can discover the world, notice the problem, analyze the circumstance, and provide the solution.
