童心童語的詩歌吟唱:一種教育美學的在地實踐 Singing Poetry with Children: A Localizing Praxis of Educational Aesthetics

. . Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)



一、團隊目標 Team Goals








Faced with today’s post-modern society of "digitalization of information, visualization of communication, and globalization of culture," children, adolescents, and even adults in Taiwan have become accustomed to choosing various stickers through the Internet as a communication medium to express their feelings. On the surface it looks very fast and easy to use, but in fact it has fallen into the trap of the cultural industry, and gradually loses the opportunity to carefully savor words and sounds, causing many people to never enjoy the aesthetic experience brought by "poetry singing."

Therefore, this team mainly combines three major fields: education, Chinese, and music. These specific implementation goals are described as follows:

1.Inspiring students’ interest in poetry singing.

2.Cultivating students with the attitude and ability to express affection in poetry.

3.Creating cultural performances of poetry and singing suitable for the appreciation of Hualien’s elementary and middle school students.

4.Designing poetry singing teaching activities that are close to the experience of students in Hualien.

二、招募學生條件 Desired Disciplines & Prior Knowledge of Student Participants




1.There are no limits to departments and expertise. All students of the university are welcome to participate.

2.Students who participate in this program must be interested in any one of the four major aspects of poetry singing, poetry creation, aesthetics criticism, and aesthetic education, and be willing to take part in the design and implementation of cultural exhibitions or teaching activities in a long term.

3. Students from the Department of Chinese Language and Culture, Department of Sinophone Literatures, Department of Taiwan and Regional Studies, Department of English, College of Indigenous Studies, College of the Arts, Hua-Shih College of Education, etc., and students who study Teacher Education Program will be the priority to be admitted.

三、團隊學生需選修其他延伸課程 Other support courses or knowledge


四、團隊指導教師群 Team Leaders & Members

花師教育學院 教育與潛能開發學系 李崗 教授

人文社會科學學院 中國語文學系    李正芬教授

成功大學中文系 王偉勇 教授(古典詩詞專長、古詩詞吟唱專長)

輔仁大學中文系 孫永忠 教授(輔仁大學東籬詩社指導老師、海峽兩岸「古韻新妍」古典詩歌吟唱展演活動創辦人)

台北愛樂青少年合唱團 助理指揮及鋼琴伴奏 謝蘭莉 老師

花蓮縣花蓮市復興國民小學 楊琇惠 校長

花蓮縣花蓮市明義國民小學 吳惠貞 校長

花蓮縣立花崗國民中學 國文科 林翠華 老師

國立花蓮高級商業職業學校 國文科 林怡菁 老師

五、團隊相關連結(網頁、粉絲頁、等) Other Information

六、聯絡窗口 :

楊芷涵 同學 610701002@gms.ndhu.edu.tw