

. . Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

112年團隊英語簡報                                                     113年團隊學生經驗分享




一、團隊目標 Team Goals


加入各大領域,包含台積電、鴻海、緯創、南山人壽、NTT DATA Taiwan、IBM、伊雲谷等一流大型企業和顧問公司。ERP人才培養耗時,且需大量

實機練習,無法僅以傳統課程方式滿足,過去皆透過學生團隊的方式,同儕代代傳承,並協助學生考取SAP 和鼎新ERP專業證照,為東華重要的特色


SAP ERP培訓學校,於系上開設系列課程,並蒙管理學院選定為院專業學院計畫「觀光科技學院」中的三個專業學程中的「觀光企業資源規劃學


The goal of the team is to training for the largest information system in enterprise the ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) consultants. We had build the ERP student team is formed through peer-to-peer training. At present, more than 50 students have joined and dozens of students have been trained. Graduation alumni have become ERP professionals to join all major fields, including TSMC, Hon Hai, Wistron, Nanshan Life Insurance, NTT DATA Taiwan, IBM, Aver Tech., Deloitte, Ernst & Young and other leading large enterprises.

ERP talents are time-consuming and require a lot of hands-on exercises. They can't be satisfied only in the traditional way. In the past, through the student team, the seniors taught the younger brothers and sisters to pass on their behalf, and assisted students to obtain SAP ERP professional licenses. One of the important cultural characteristics of Dong Hwa Asset Management also attracts students to join Dong Hwa Asset Management. In addition, the summer camp attracts high school students to participate in the course, and in the summer camp to learn the relevant courses to obtain the basic ERP license.

The enterprise resource planning system (ERP) is a large-scale information system for enterprises, and integrates the needs of various departments within the enterprise into a single information system. Among them, the German SAP ERP system with the highest market share has a construction cost of about NT. 50 million to 200 million, and the system use cost per user is about 200,000 yuan. By participating in the SAP University Alliances, the program acquires relevant system resources for the opening of practical computer-related courses at an annual fee of NT.100,000.

二、招募學生條件 Desired Disciplines & Prior Knowledge of Student Participants


三、團隊學生需選修其他延伸課程 Other support courses or knowledge


四、團隊指導教師群 Team Leaders & Members

管理學院 資訊管理學系 侯佳利 副教授

管理學院 會計學系        張益誠 副教授

管理學院 會計學系       謝佩蓁 助理教授

國立中央大學企業資源規劃暨大數據分析中心中心 陳炫碩 主任


伊雲谷 莊嵩緯 顧問

中華企業資源規劃學會 許秉瑜 理事長

五、團隊相關連結(網頁、粉絲頁、等) Other Information

六、聯絡窗口 :  陳欣慧 611135115@gms.ndhu.edu.tw

                         鄭渝暄 611135102@gms.ndhu.edu.tw
