
文化探索與生命實踐 Cultural Exploration and Life Practice

. . Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

112年團隊英語簡報                                                     113年團隊學生經驗分享




一、團隊目標 Team Goals



Starting from the reading and understanding of traditional Chinese culture, the team will lead the students to understand the humanistic spirit and ideological tradition in the classic, and think about how tradition and modernity should be combined, through life practice and local care, to reflect on the modern meaning of tradition.The team has five Learning Goals: (1) we will bring together local and foreign students, through graduate students to lead the university students, first from the classic reading and discussion, thinking about the timeless traditions and values of culture, explore cross-cultural dialogue and concept similarities and differences; (2) we will start through Hualian and Yilan and other places of cultural and historical monuments on-site survey work, or to visit the Palace Museum in Taipei, to in-depth understanding of different meanings of Culture, hope that students can find the entry point of traditional spirit in modern life, and try to publish papers or video records; (3) Our teachers and students will practice calligraphy together on weekdays, by asking professor Liao Cing-Hua or Professor Tu Chung Kao to teach the art of calligraphy and practical learning, to exercise the soul, cultivate a thick life literacy; (4) our teachers and students will practice the guqin together, and with the famous Guqin Dr. Chen Cin-Yi to teach the art of the guqin, so as to better understand the "Tao" and "art" behind the guqin; (5) we will lead students to the Hualian new residents' association to engage in service learning, not only to gain an in-depth understanding of the culture of the new residents, but also to explore the culture of the new residents, how to integrate people into local life, from which to carry out a variety of possible life practices. While caring for the local culture, we will rethink the modern meaning of our own theories, so that theoretical learning can be integrated with life, and indeed provide benefits to the physical and mental settlement of modern people.

二、招募學生條件 Desired Disciplines & Prior Knowledge of Student Participants

  1. 國際學生(優先),屬於教育、心理、社會或文化等科系,或對這些議題感興趣為佳。
  2. 本地學生,屬於教育、心理、社會或文化等科系,或對這些議題感興趣為佳。
  1. International students (preferred), major in education, psychology, social or cultural departments or are interested in these topics are considered.
  2. Local students, major in education, psychology, social or cultural departments or are interested in these topics are considered.

三、團隊學生需選修其他延伸課程 Other support courses or knowledge


四、團隊指導教師群 Team Leaders & Members

藝術學院 藝術與設計學系 廖慶華 教授

人文社會科學學院 中國語文學系 李秀華 教授


陳欽怡 (上海音樂學院博士,梅庵琴派第五代嫡傳名家。)

葉  震(國立東華大學科學教育研究所博士班,國立東華大學通識教育中心兼任講師,專精於影像敘事,拍攝與後製紀錄片十餘部。)


五、團隊相關連結(網頁、粉絲頁、等) Other Information

文化探索與生命實踐團隊網站 Team website

文化探索與生命實踐團隊臉書 Team facebook

六、聯絡窗口 :

陳美瑩 410888049@gms.ndhu.edu.tw
