
田野行遠 Fieldwork Action Researchers

. . . Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)


一、團隊目標 Team Goals


Our team consists of two teachers who combine their expertise in indigenous knowledge and industry connections, as well as multiculturalism, language education, and bilingual education. We aim to collect stories as stepping stones to understanding community issues and conduct field observations to inventory local resources. Ultimately, we will collaborate with the community to develop an action plan that focuses on creating picture books and game designs based on local culture to produce tools and outputs.

Our short-term goal is to engage in fieldwork and project-based learning, guiding students to immerse themselves in local tribal schools and communities, aligning with community needs, and designing programs. Through the production of picture books and games, we not only achieve the objective of university social responsibility but also hope to empower students to apply their expertise to respond to teaching and industry needs related to local culture, and actively engage in social services.

Our long-term goal is to extend this collaborative model to neighboring Southeast Asian countries, combining language teaching services with collaboration with local schools and communities. Through sustainable cooperation, we aim to cultivate local and international professionals in the long run.

二、招募學生條件 Desired Disciplines & Prior Knowledge of Student Participants


We welcome students from all fields. Especially welcome those who are interested in picture books, (board)games, people, language, culture, indigenous communities, cooperative work, social participations and field works.  

三、團隊學生需選修其他延伸課程 Other support courses or knowledge



跨界與歸零() (社會參與中心核心通識課程)




Other supporting/recommended courses:

Fall Semester

Exploring and Developing on Indigenous Education and Course Material

Boundary Crossing and Self-Exploration Ⅲ

Spring Semester

Indigenous Education

Multicultural Competence

四、團隊指導教師群 Team Leaders & Members

花師教育學院  教育與潛能開發學系  謝顥音 副教授

五、團隊相關連結(網頁、粉絲頁、等) Other Information


六、聯絡窗口 : 課程助理 教育三 李芷儀同學 411088014@gms.ndhu.edu.tw

