
智慧能源社區行動 Smart Energy in Local Community

. . . . Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)


一、團隊目標 Team Goals




The development of Chuyingshan Community in Ji’an Township is closely related to Ji’an aqueduct. We expected to use the professional of optoelectronic, electronic engineering, and computer science and information engineering in the college of science and technology organizing a green energy power generation team. Agree with the purpose of the University Society Responsibility (USR) plan to support the cooperate links between the regional urban, rural and the university’s development, we make good use of community water resources, and build the smart green energy in rural communities for them. 

In addition to using the original water resources to expand hydroelectric power in green energy power development, expect the support of utility power, solar power is developed by taking advantage of high effective accumulative insolation. A power dispatching system is developed to integrate different power sources. We can also monitor the power generation status at any time, and accomplish regional green power microgrid demonstration region.

In addition, we cooperate with mentors to open systematic teaching courses, develop application software hope to capture the forecast and observation data on the Central Weather Bureau website, and turn on the equipment to maintain constant temperature and humidity of crops in advance. The power storage system can predict power consumption and deploy power allocation perfectly. At the same time, it also provides early warning of the required power demand, and move toward the smart green energy community.

二、招募學生條件 Desired Disciplines & Prior Knowledge of Student Participants







Department of Electrical Engineering: Familiar with the knowledge and application of electronic circuits, understand the impact of electrical engineering technology on the environment and society.

Department of Information Engineering: The ability to analyze, design, implement and maintain information systems.

College of the Art: Integrated creativity and design practice ability.

Department of Chinese Literature: Humanistic care, multiculturalism and the use of modern technology to create talents in Chinese and literature.

Department of Tourism and Recreation and Recreation: Familiar with tourism industry planning, with communication, coordination and critical thinking skills.

三、團隊學生需選修其他延伸課程 Other support courses or knowledge





四、團隊指導教師群 Team Leaders & Members

理工學院  光電工程學系  白益豪 副教授

校外業師 : 吳建興老師  專長:科技教育、軟體開發、RFID感測設備

場與夥伴 : 鍾寶珠 理事  專長 : 環境教育、社區營造

五、團隊相關連結(網頁、粉絲頁、等) Other Information

六、聯絡窗口 :
