同志普拉斯 LGBT+

. . Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

一、團隊目標 Team Goals

本團隊主要結合教育與心理二大跨領域,團隊目標分兩部分:教學和研究。就教學方面,目有三:(一)提高對LGBT+(性別少數,sexual minority,中文稱同志)及其社群處境的敏感性。(二)了解性別少數/同志意圖自我傷害(Deliberate self-harm, DSH)跡象,分析觸發此類行為的原因並積極參與防止DSH的工作。(三)能設計與性別少數/同志有關的敏感度教育或介入方案,並針對所欲培訓的對象進行教學或介入,了解其成效。就研究方面,三個目的(一)探討性別少數/同志及其社群所遭遇的生活困境,以及學員對於性別少數/同志者所遭遇困境的觀點。(二)分析性別少數/同志意圖自我傷害的情形,背後的原因以及如何防範的方法。(三)評估提升性別敏感度的培訓介入方案及實施成效。

The proposed project has two intertwined goals; the first in to increase sensitivity in issues of the sexual minority (LGBT+) community and the second to enable students in detecting signs of DSH intent and participate actively in the effort to prevent DSH and address underlying causes that could trigger such behavior. We expect that the team members will acquire a considerable level of knowledge and that they will use it in designing their own sub-projects. While initially targeting sexual minority individuals the knowledge that the members of the team will acquire and which will be imparted to the general student community, is very likely to benefit all at risk individuals in the university.

二、招募學生條件 Desired Disciplines & Prior Knowledge of Student Participants

全校各系學生都歡迎參加,只要對性別教育、性別少數/同志教育、輔導諮商、助人技巧 經營人際關係有興趣與熱忱,並覺得自己足夠抗壓性能夠勇往直前者都歡迎參加。

Who are we looking for students from all departments are welcome to participate in the research teaching team. However, we particularly look for students who have strong motivation and interest in gender education, gay education, counseling, and interpersonal relationships. Students who have incredible strength and resilience in carrying out projects are very welcome to join us.

三、團隊學生需選修其他延伸課程 Other support courses or knowledge



四、團隊指導教師群 Team Leaders & Members

花師教育學院 教育與潛能開發學系  張德勝 教授

人文社會學院 諮商與臨床心理學系  高倜歐 助理教授

原住民民族學院 民族社會工作學士學位學程 黃盈豪 助理教授

五、團隊相關連結(網頁、粉絲頁、等) Other Information

同志普拉斯 LGBT+ 團隊網站連結

六、聯繫窗口 :

劉家甫同學   41104C011@gms.ndhu.edu.tw