
運動科學輔助銀髮族足部健康與平衡能力之評估、探究與優化 Evaluation, exploration and optimization of the use of sports science to assist the foot health and balance ability for the elderly

. Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

112年團隊英語簡報                                                     113年團隊學生經驗分享




一、團隊目標 Team Goals

老年人跌倒的預防是重要的健康課題,隨著年齡的提升通常伴隨著足弓塌陷與肌力衰退的問題,此是影響其平衡的重要因子,但普遍老年人的健康檢查中並沒有提供足弓型態與平衡能力的檢測。據此,本團隊將以專業足部評估系統與三軸測力板等運動生物力學儀器,針對花蓮縣的老年人進行此兩項目的檢測, 以提供老年人足部健康與平衡能力的自我認知,並安排專業講師進行教育課程,建立健康觀念與預防策略,達到在地深耕的目的。而修習專題的學生透過資料的收集與分析,了解運動生物力學的儀器操作與資料處理,並結合運動科學學程、運動傷害防護推廣課程中所習得的相關知能,發展出有助於老年人足部健康與平衡優化的介入策略與研究議題,達到學用合一的價值。

Fall prevention has been an important health issue for the elderly. Aging usually comes hand in hand with the collapse of the foot arch and the decline of muscle strength which are two crucial factors highly related to one’s balancing ability. However, typical health check-ups for the elderly in general do not provide examination on foot arch and balance ability. Therefore, our team will perform tests on the above-mentioned two factors using a three-axis force plate and professional foot evaluation system in order to raise self-awareness amongst the elderly in Hualien County. In addition, educational lectures will be given by experts to provide more information on health concepts and prevention strategies. Students who sign up for the program will benefit from and familiarize themselves with the whole processes including the operation of instruments, data collection, and the analyses of biomechanics data. Based on knowledge learned from this program, the ultimate goal is to develop prevention strategies and research topics that contribute to the foot health and balance ability for the elderly.

二、招募學生條件 Desired Disciplines and Prior Knowledge for Participants

  1. 以體育與運動科學系學生為主要招募對象,亦歡迎對運動科學有興趣者加入。
  2. 有修習運動科學學程、運動傷害防護推廣課程,且對科學儀器操作、智慧穿戴裝置有興趣者佳。
  3. 必須關注運動與健康課題。
  1. Students from the Department of Physical Education and Sports Science or those interested in sports science.
  2. Students with prior knowledge on sports science and sports injury prevention or those interested in scientific instrument operation and smart wearable devices.
  3. Students paying close attention to sports and health issues.

三、團隊學生需選修其他延伸課程 Other support courses or knowledge


四、團隊指導教師群 Team Leaders & Members

花師教育學院 體育與運動科學系  王令儀 教授

五、團隊相關連結(網頁、粉絲頁、等) Other Information


六、聯絡窗口 :

李欣玫 同學 410989016@gms.ndhu.edu.tw

